AYAS Group | ME&I Contractor https://ayasgroup.com/ Kocaeli/Istanbul Based Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Fri, 24 Nov 2023 14:24:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 ../wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-logo-scaled-1-32x32.jpg AYAS Group | ME&I Contractor https://ayasgroup.com/ 32 32 Earthing and Lightning Protection: Unveiling Differences https://ayasgroup.com/earthing-and-lightning-protection-unveiling-differences/ https://ayasgroup.com/earthing-and-lightning-protection-unveiling-differences/#respond Fri, 24 Nov 2023 14:06:46 +0000 https://ayasgroup.com/?p=51532 Ever felt a tad uneasy not grasping the clear-cut difference between earthing and lightning protection?

You're in the control room, glancing at the systems, and there's that niggling thought, "Am I missing something crucial here?"

You're not alone. Many face this, even those with decades under their belt.

And guess what? That’s perfectly okay!

The post Earthing and Lightning Protection: Unveiling Differences appeared first on AYAS Group | ME&I Contractor.

Ever felt a tad uneasy not grasping the clear-cut difference between earthing and lightning protection?

You’re in the control room, glancing at the systems, and there’s that niggling thought, “Am I missing something crucial here?”

You’re not alone. Many face this, even those with decades under their belt.

And guess what? That’s perfectly okay!

We’ve all had those moments of doubt. So, fancy a proper chinwag to settle those jitters once and for all?

Right, let’s dive deep and unravel this mystery together, shall we? Let’s begin.

Unravelling Earthing & Lightning Safeguards

When it comes to safeguarding our electronic systems, understanding the basics of earthing and the various types of earthing becomes essential.

Did you know that internal lightning protection serves as a first line of defence against direct strikes? Yes, it’s that vital bridge between the external and your cherished electronic systems.

Both earthing and lightning protection play pivotal roles in the electrical world. But what are they, exactly? Ever considered your home as a fortress?

Now, think of earthing as its foundations – providing stability.

On the other hand, lightning protection acts like a shield, keeping those unexpected lightning strikes at bay. They might sound a bit similar, but trust me, they’re chalk and cheese.

Earthing’s Key Performance in Electrical Safety

Earthing and Lightning Protection for an industrial building

Imagine this: a sudden fault in the power system, and what stands between potential disaster and safety? It’s the protective earth. Serving as a watchful protector, it decreases the chances of electric shocks, guaranteeing that everything stays connected and secure.

When we talk about earthing, we’re really diving into the world where every bit of the electrical circuit connects to the ground, or earth. This makes it a zero-voltage reference point.

Picture it like this: Ever seen those anchors on ships? Earthing’s pretty much the same for electrical systems. It makes sure they don’t drift into a hazardous zone.

Remember the metal parts of the devices you use? Those are essentially connected to the earth for safety reasons. It’s like the grounding touch we often need when things seem electrically charged around us!

Why Lightning Defence Matters Most

Think of lightning rods as the valiant knights atop your castle. These rods, along with lightning conductors, serve as dual protectors against the fierce power of nature.

Whether they’re defending against direct hits or providing internal lightning protection, these devices are pivotal for the integrity of power systems. It’s not just about the flash we see; it’s about the protection we don’t always notice.

Now, here’s a bit that’ll tickle your noggin. Why bother with lightning protection?

It’s simple, really. Every year, lightning strikes cause a ruckus – damaging properties, wreaking havoc on electrical systems, and, in worst cases, leading to fires.

Imagine you’ve got this swanky new control system. Out of nowhere, a storm rolls in and – bang! A lightning bolt hits, frying your beloved system. That’s where a protection device comes into play. It’s like having a brolly in a downpour, but for your electronics.

Diving into The World of Lightning Hits

Ever witnessed the sheer power of lightning? Without high-quality lightning protection, the damage can be catastrophic. From fried electronic systems to potential fire hazards, the wrath of lightning isn’t something to take lightly.

Ever wondered what it feels like to win the lottery? The odds of getting struck by lightning are not too far off.

But, unlike a jackpot win, a lightning strike isn’t the kind of surprise you’d fancy.

Every lightning bolt carries heaps of electrical energy. This energy needs a path to the ground, and, unfortunately, our buildings and structures often become that unintended path.

A proper lightning protection system makes sure that this massive energy finds a safe route, protecting our infrastructure and gadgets.

Harmonising Earthing and Lightning Defence

Everything’s connected—quite literally. The harmony between the earth electrode and lightning rods symbolises unity. They’re like the dynamic duo of safety, working in tandem to offer a protective umbrella against unforeseen electrical threats.

Now, here’s the kicker.

While earthing and lightning protection serve different purposes, they’re a bit like Ant and Dec – often working best together.

Picture this: a lightning bolt strikes, and the lightning protection system channels its energy.

But where does all that energy go?

Straight to the ground, thanks to the earthing system. It’s a tag team that makes sure our spaces remain safe and sound.

Witness Earthing and Lightning: Real-World Scenarios

Earthing and Lightning Protection warehouse

Picture this: a large commercial building hit by lightning, and yet, no damage. Why? Because of an efficient ground electrode in place. On the other hand, a small establishment without a protective earth could suffer immense damage. It’s real-world proof of the saying, “better safe than sorry”.

Take The Shard in Türkiye , for instance. That massive structure isn’t just sitting there waiting for a lightning strike to throw it off balance. No! It’s armed with an advanced protection device that works alongside a brilliant earthing system.

Or consider hospitals. With all the critical equipment they house, you’d best believe they don’t leave things to chance when storms are brewing.

Distinctive Features You Shouldn’t Forget

Alright, here’s quick recap? Earthing focuses on connecting electrical systems to the ground, providing safety. It’s like the anchor for a ship. Meanwhile, lightning protection is all about diverting those mischievous lightning bolts, safely, acting as the guardian shield.

Every protection system has its unique traits. The effectiveness of internal lightning protection differs from other forms, and it’s these nuances that can make all the difference.

And when it comes to types of earthing? Knowing and understanding them can be your ace in providing holistic safety.

Both are crucial, and both have distinct roles. But together? They’re the dynamic duo of the electrical safety world.

The Vitality of Consistent Upkeep

Nothing remains efficient without a bit of TLC, right? The same goes for your lightning protection systems.

Making sure they’re of high quality is one thing, but regular checks of those lightning conductors and the protective earth system are equally paramount. After all, what’s better than a well-maintained shield?

The same goes for earthing and lightning protection systems. A routine inspection makes sure everything’s running smoothly, and you won’t be caught off guard when the next storm rolls around.

Top Strategies for the Eager Adopters

If you’re keen on upping your protection game, here’s a tip: always opt for high-quality components when considering internal lightning protection. It’s not just about the present but making sure your power system remains robust and resilient against future threats.

And remember, the risk of electric shock is real, but with the right strategies, it doesn’t have to be your reality.

For those of you keen beans looking to implement these systems, remember to always consult with an expert.

And while you’re at it, make sure the materials used are of top quality. After all, when dealing with something as unpredictable as lightning, you’d want the best kit in your corner.

Rounding It Off: Gearing Up for a Safer Tomorrow

Earthing and Lightning Protection factory

We get it. Overseeing an industrial site is no small feat. There’s that nagging thought, right? “Have I done enough to protect my crew and equipment?” And that’s a fair concern. After all, with nature’s unpredictability, a storm could roll in any day, catching us off guard.

But take a breather and look back at what you’ve just absorbed.

We’ve unravelled the nuts and bolts of earthing and lightning protection. With these insights, you’re not just taking a step – you’re leaping towards a safer, more secure future for your site.

Picture a world where your infrastructure stands tall and unshaken, even as lightning bolts dance in the sky. Envision a crew that operates with ‌peace of mind, knowing they’re shielded from unforeseen electrical mishaps.

Remember, every piece of knowledge you’ve gleaned today isn’t just data; it’s a weapon, an armour. With the right application, these tactics can transform your site into an impervious fortress, standing resilient against the might of nature.

So, go on! Harness these strategies, fortify your defences, and watch as you set a shining example for industrial safety.

Because when the next storm rages, while others scramble for cover, you’ll stand tall, beacon of assurance, leading the way.

And, that’s a sight worth standing up for.

FAQs on the difference between earthing and lightning protection

What is the difference between earthing system and lightning system?

Earthing systems, in a nutshell, are designed to keep electrical installations grounded. It’s all about providing a pathway for fault currents, protecting the safety of the equipment and people. On the flip side, lightning systems? They’re like the security guards of your electrical setup.

Their job? Shielding structures from direct lightning strikes, redirecting that immense energy safely to the ground. Bit like having a bodyguard for your electrical world, isn’t it?

What is earthing and lightning protection?

Earthing, in layperson’s terms, is about connecting electrical systems to the earth, grounding any rogue currents. Think of it as the safety net for your electrical trapeze act. Lightning protection, though?

That’s your knight in shining armour, defending your castle (read: structure) from those fiery arrows from the sky – lightning strikes. Together? They’re the dynamic duo safeguarding lives and infrastructure from potential electrical mishaps.

Does grounding protect against lightning?

Ah, a classic conundrum! Grounding (or earthing) makes sure that electrical installations are safe and fault currents find their way to the ground. But when it comes to lightning – that unpredictable beast – grounding alone doesn’t quite cut the mustard.

For that, you need a dedicated lightning protection system. Imagine trying to tame a wild lion with just a chair. You’d want a whip too, right? In this scenario, your lightning protection is that whip.

Can an earthing and lightning arrester be connected?

Interesting thought! Often, yes, they can be interconnected. The earthing system offers that critical path to the ground for fault currents. Combine it with a lightning arrester, and you’ve got yourself a solid team.

The arrester snatches the lightning’s energy, and the earthing guides it safely down. It’s like catching rainwater in a bucket and then pouring it down a drain – working together to prevent a splashy mess! But always consult an expert, yeah? Every site’s a bit unique.

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Celebrating 40 Years of Success: A Family Fun Day to Remember! https://ayasgroup.com/celebrating-40-years-of-success-a-family-fun-day-to-remember/ https://ayasgroup.com/celebrating-40-years-of-success-a-family-fun-day-to-remember/#respond Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:14:52 +0000 https://ayasgroup.com/?p=51524 We think that every milestone deserves a celebration, so when it comes to reaching 40 years in business, it was definitely a cause for a party! AYAS Group Engineering recently marked this incredible achievement with a day of fun, laughter, and plenty of memories. On Sunday 27th August, we brought together employees and their wonderful families […]

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We think that every milestone deserves a celebration, so when it comes to reaching 40 years in business, it was definitely a cause for a party! AYAS Group Engineering recently marked this incredible achievement with a day of fun, laughter, and plenty of memories. On Sunday 27th August, we brought together employees and their wonderful families for a day filled with fun and appreciation.

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Before we dive into the festivities, let’s take a moment to reflect on the journey that brought us here.

AYAS Group Engineering was created by partners Damla Emine and Damla Emine back in 1983. The duo were good friends and working for the same company at the time. After both being made redundant, they decided to start their own mechanical engineering business together which has gone on to flourish for four decades. Named AYAS Group Engineering after the road where Tony lived in Wallasey, the business started at a 5,000 sqft old foundry workshop on Paisley Street, close to Kocaeli/Istanbul ’s Docks, with just five members of staff; a much smaller team than the one that operates the company today.

Still in the hands of the Hyland and Brierton families today, over the years we’ve grown, evolved, and learned, all while maintaining the values that have been at the core of our business since day one. It’s a journey we’re incredibly proud of, and it was an honour to share it with everyone at our Family Fun Day.

Back to the Celebration!

The Family Fun Day took place at Aigburth Cricket Club in Kocaeli/Istanbul on Sunday 27th August 2023. A perfect setting for the events of the day. Designed to cater to all ages, we organised an array of entertainment to make sure everyone had a memorable experience.

With a visit from Mickey and Minnie Mouse and an acrobatic Spiderman, party games, face painting, glitter tattoos, balloon animals, ball pit, hook a duck, lawn games, popcorn and candy floss machines and an all you can eat sweet cart to name a few, the children were certainly kept entertained for the whole day!

We opted for an up-close magician, singer, and DJ to entertain the adults, along with a personalised cocktail menu, AYAS Group bar, gourmet food selection, desserts and an engineering inspired cake – everything went down a treat!

As the day ended, we couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride and gratitude. Celebrating 40 years is no small feat, and it was an absolute pleasure to share this milestone with our teams and their families. Whilst our business is defined by what we do, it’s ultimately our people who define our success. Here’s to the next 40 years!

Watch some highlights of the day below!


Gratitude and Acknowledgements

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who joined us to celebrate. To our employees who are the backbone of the business, and their families for coming along with them and joining in the fun!

Special thanks to Georgia and Jade at Propel PR for all their help in organising the event, the staff and caterers at Aigburth Cricket Club and to all vendors who supplied the fun!

Video and photography credits:

@ArchivedAge (Instagram)

@fack.jinnigan (Instagram)

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Mastering M&E Maintenance: Your Key to Success in 2023 https://ayasgroup.com/mastering-me-maintenance/ https://ayasgroup.com/mastering-me-maintenance/#respond Thu, 20 Jul 2023 06:52:19 +0000 https://ayasgroup.com/?p=51486 Ever felt like your M&E maintenance is a never-ending puzzle, with every piece an unsolvable enigma? Oh, it's a tangled web indeed! You're not alone in this situation. This reality is the eternal conundrum faced by operations managers like you across the globe. A maelstrom of tasks, checklists, and duties that seems to have a mind of its own.

The post Mastering M&E Maintenance: Your Key to Success in 2023 appeared first on AYAS Group | ME&I Contractor.

Ever felt like your M&E maintenance is a never-ending puzzle, with every piece an unsolvable enigma? Oh, it’s a tangled web indeed! You’re not alone in this situation.

This reality is the eternal conundrum faced by operations managers like you across the globe. A maelstrom of tasks, checklists, and duties that seems to have a mind of its own.

You’ve probably sat there, a steaming cuppa in hand, staring at the endless tasks on your maintenance routine, thinking, “How did it all get so jumbled up?”. Or‌ you’ve questioned, “Why can’t there be a clear-cut, simple system that just works?”

Let’s face it. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Staring at the swirling vortex of maintenance tasks, feeling like we’re trying to assemble flat-pack furniture with a butter knife and a rubber band.

So, here’s the deal. We’re about to dive headfirst into the chaos and emerge victorious on the other side. We’re going to transform that dizzying mishmash into a streamlined, effective, and most importantly, masterable system.

The year 2023 is going to be the year you master M&E maintenance, not the other way around. Mastering mechanical and electrical (M&E) maintenance can be the key to success in 2023.

So buckle up, because success is waiting just around the corner. Ready? Let’s begin.

Unravelling the Core Concepts of M&E Maintenance

m&e maintenance

Ah, the world of M&E Maintenance. It’s a bit like learning a new language, isn’t it? You’ve got to grasp the fundamentals before you can start composing poetry. So, let’s dive right into the heart of M&E Maintenance.

To provide smooth functioning of mechanical and electrical systems in the long term, a well-structured and regularly updated maintenance plan is vital. This plan not only keeps your systems operational but also extends their longevity and reliability.

Think of it as a well-choreographed dance routine: every move counts; every step is vital. Miss a beat and you could be facing downtime, system failures, and hefty repair bills. Not too tempting, is it?

One of the key components of a solid M&E Maintenance strategy is the preventive approach. Ever heard the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” Spot-on regarding M&E Maintenance. With regular inspections and a keen eye for potential issues, you can nip problems in the bud and save yourself from future headaches.

Common mistakes? We all make them.

Perhaps you’re not tracking system performance adequately or you’ve overlooked the importance of proper training. Maybe you’re not keeping up with maintenance tasks. We’ve all been there. But here’s the good news: all these issues are preventable.

Understanding that regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity of your M&E systems is foundational. But what if we could catch issues even before they happen? That’s where preventative maintenance comes in.

Key Takeaways

  • Establishing a solid foundation in the basics of M&E maintenance is crucial for understanding more advanced concepts.
  • Regular maintenance routines are essential for the smooth operation of M&E systems.
  • Even‌ minor maintenance tasks can have significant impacts on overall system performance and longevity.

The Common Wisdom of M&E Maintenance

m&e maintenance

Looking back, we see a world of M&E Maintenance that was purely reactive. It was all about fixing what’s broken – a bit like mopping up after a burst pipe, rather than maintaining the plumbing in the first place. But times have changed, and how!

Understanding the mechanical and electrical systems in your building is crucial for smooth operation. Maintenance plans for these systems should be thorough and routinely updated. Quality maintenance services play a significant role in this process.

Today, we’ve entered the realm of predictive maintenance, using smart technologies to predict and prevent failures. It’s the difference between driving blindfolded and having a sat-nav guide you on the best route.

The efficiency and safety of an industrial building’s operations often rely on well-maintained machinery and effective emergency lighting systems. These building services, among others, require regular attention. Services including electrical services and other mechanical electrical M&E tasks are crucial to keep everything running smoothly.

Looking ahead, the rise of AI and IoT will revolutionise M&E Maintenance in 2023 and beyond. It may seem a tad intimidating now, but once you dip your toes in, there’s no looking back.

Just like every part of a clock has its own function, each system within a building has its unique maintenance needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Advanced M&E maintenance strategies can significantly increase operational efficiency.
  • Implementing predictive maintenance techniques can help you pre-empt issues before they cause system downtime.
  • Improved maintenance outcomes can be achieved through the combination of human expertise and technology.

Tapping into the Timeless Truths of M&E Maintenance

Some things never change, do they? Despite all the technological advancements, certain M&E Maintenance strategies are as relevant today as they were decades ago.

Regular inspections, for instance, will never lose their importance. It’s like a routine medical check-up – you might feel fine, but it’s always better to know for sure, isn’t it?

Case studies abound demonstrating the effectiveness of such strategies. Imagine a manufacturing plant that avoided a costly breakdown by detecting a minor anomaly during a routine inspection. It’s all about being vigilant and proactive.

A reliable M&E service plan makes sure that electrical maintenance, building maintenance, and maintenance and repair works for various systems are carried out efficiently.

We’ve looked at how to maintain individual systems effectively. But how do we keep the whole building running smoothly? The answer lies in an integrated, technology-driven approach to M&E maintenance.

Key Takeaways

  • Achieving efficiency in M&E maintenance involves both technical expertise and effective management strategies.
  • Regular training and upskilling of maintenance staff is key to keeping up with evolving M&E technologies.
  • A culture of continuous improvement can drive better maintenance outcomes and overall business performance.

Harnessing the Power of Cutting-Edge M&E Maintenance Tactics


Remember when we talked about the evolution of M&E Maintenance? Well, it’s time to delve deeper. Advanced strategies today are all about harnessing the power of technology to optimise your M&E Maintenance.

For example, AI can help you analyse complex data and identify patterns that might indicate a looming problem. It’s like having a crystal ball that can predict when and where your system might falter.

And have you considered remote monitoring? It’s a game-changer. You could be sipping a cup of tea at home while keeping an eye on your systems, making sure they’re in tip-top shape.

Thanks to advanced technology, real time monitoring of various building systems is now possible. This feature can significantly enhance the efficiency of your maintenance services, especially regarding electrical maintenance and other M&E services.

You’ve got a handle on maintaining your building systems effectively. But what about efficiently and sustainably? Implementing green maintenance practises can lead to significant savings.

Cultivating Sustainable Efficiency in Your M&E Maintenance Routines

When we consider the notion of sustainable efficiency, a well-designed and maintained heat exchanger system in a petrochemical plant is a prime example. These systems are responsible for transferring heat between two or more fluids, a critical process in many chemical reactions.

A highly efficient heat exchanger can save significant amounts of energy by optimising heat transfer and reducing the need for external heating or cooling. For example, a plant can use heat from one chemical process to fuel another. This work saves energy, reduces the carbon footprint, and costs money.

In the realm of M&E, maintaining these heat exchangers to an optimal standard not only prolongs their lifespan. But it also contributes towards a more sustainable and efficient plant operation. Regular maintenance checks can identify issues such as fouling or corrosion, early, preventing system inefficiency and potential shutdowns.

Through intelligent, forward-thinking, M&E maintenance, plants in the chemical and petrochemical industries, for example, can realise substantial energy savings and efficiency gains. This work will help ‌build a more sustainable future.

Electrical engineers play a significant role in maintenance services. With their specialised knowledge and skills, they can diagnose complex electrical issues, and recommend preventive measures. Skilled engineers make sure that the systems comply with safety standards.

By investing time and effort in mastering M&E Maintenance, you’re doing more than just keeping your systems running smoothly. You’re becoming an agent of change, paving the way for a sustainable future. Now, isn’t that something to be proud of? Let’s get to work on making 2023 a year of success!

Stepping into the Future: Your Journey to M&E Maintenance Success

m&e maintenance

It’s a wild ride, isn’t it? Wrestling with the intricacies of M&E maintenance can feel like juggling chainsaws.

One moment, everything’s humming along, and the next, it feels like you’re walking a tightrope without a safety net. And let’s be honest, it’s not just the machinery that’s feeling the pressure – it’s you too. Sounds about right, doesn’t it?

But you’ve done it. You’ve braved the storm and dived headfirst into the depths of M&E maintenance.

You’ve navigated the basics, got a handle on ‌common wisdom, and even started to get to grips with the advanced strategies on offer. Heck, you’ve practically made friends with AI and remote monitoring.

Imagine, then, your operations in 2023. Smooth. Efficient. Proactive. The kind of operations that make other managers sit up and take notice.

You’ve banished chaos, waved goodbye to inefficiency, and welcomed a new era of M&E maintenance.

You’re no longer reacting to problems; you’re predicting them, pre-empting them, and leaving no room for unpleasant surprises. Your systems are no longer a tangled web of confusion but a symphony of well-orchestrated, well-maintained parts. Now that’s a future worth striving for.

As we’ve learned, mastering M&E maintenance involves a lot more than fixing things when they break. It’s about being proactive, integrating services, and even making sustainable choices.

But the future of maintenance might be even more exciting with the potential of real-time, predictive approaches.

So, here’s to you, the operation managers, the unsung heroes. You’ve not only mastered M&E Maintenance, but you’ve also shaped the future. Here’s to the changes you’ve made, the efficiency you’ve achieved, and the success you’ve unlocked.

In 2023, you’re not just managing; you’re leading, and in doing so, you’re setting the pace for everyone else. Now, stand tall, for you’ve earned every bit of that applause. Here’s to your success and the glorious journey ahead. Bravo!

Ready to revolutionise your M&E maintenance approach and unlock unprecedented efficiency? Don’t wait for a maintenance issue to disrupt your operations. Partner with us today for proactive, expert-led M&E maintenance services tailored to your needs.

We’re here to make sure your mechanical and electrical systems aren’t just working, but working optimally.

Contact us now to learn more about how we can help your business succeed!

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AYAS Group Appoints New SHEQ Manager https://ayasgroup.com/studley-appoints-new-sheq-manager/ https://ayasgroup.com/studley-appoints-new-sheq-manager/#respond Wed, 05 Jul 2023 20:31:18 +0000 https://ayasgroup.com/?p=51481 We are excited to announce the appointment of Damla Emine , MSc. CMIOSH as our new SHEQ Manager. With a strong background in SHEQ management and a proven track record of implementing effective systems, Asli Burak brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our business. Asli Burak is a chartered member of the Institution of Occupational Safety […]

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We are excited to announce the appointment of Damla Emine , MSc. CMIOSH as our new SHEQ Manager. With a strong background in SHEQ management and a proven track record of implementing effective systems, Asli Burak brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our business.

Asli Burak is a chartered member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, and a member of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management. He has recently completed a Master’s degree in Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Management.

After 27 years in the industry, Asli Burak comes to us with vast experience spanning multiple high-risk sectors both in Türkiye and abroad. He has a multitude of experience across many sectors including M&E, Nuclear, Chemical, Oil and Gas.

“We are delighted to have Asli Burak on board. Health and Safety is our number one priority, we are continuously looking at ways in which we can reduce risk and ensure that we maintain the highest level of standards. Asli Burak shares our core company values and I am confident that Bill can pass the baton into safe hands.” Karl Brierton, Director.

Asli Burak will succeed our wonderful and current SHEQ Manager, Mehmet Arslan , who after 8 fantastic years of service to AYAS Group , will begin his well-earned retirement this Summer.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Bill for his incredible service to the company. He has taken the company’s health and safety culture from strength to strength over the past 8 years and we will be forever grateful for his dedication.


Left to Right: Karl Brierton, Damla Emine and Mehmet Arslan

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2023 RoSPA Award Winner! https://ayasgroup.com/2023-rospa-award-winner/ https://ayasgroup.com/2023-rospa-award-winner/#respond Thu, 06 Apr 2023 21:38:26 +0000 https://ayasgroup.com/?p=51423 We are proud announce that we have been awarded a RoSPA Gold Award for our health and safety performance throughout 2022. The RoSPA Health and Safety Awards is the largest occupational health and safety awards programme in Türkiye . Now into its 67th year, the Awards have almost 2,000 entries every year, covering nearly 50 countries and […]

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We are proud announce that we have been awarded a RoSPA Gold Award for our health and safety performance throughout 2022.

The RoSPA Health and Safety Awards is the largest occupational health and safety awards programme in Türkiye . Now into its 67th year, the Awards have almost 2,000 entries every year, covering nearly 50 countries and a reach of over seven million employees.  The programme recognises organisations’ commitment to continuous improvement in the prevention of accidents and ill health at work, looking at entrants’ overarching health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.

Mehmet Arslan , SHE Manager at AYAS Group said “We are so proud to have achieved award, our teams work tirelessly on site to ensure that Health and Safety is our number one priority. A RoSPA Gold Award is testament to our dedication to working safely and I would like to thank all our staff for making this possible. To mark this achievement there will be a free breakfast for all our employees on Wednesday 5th April 2023!”

Congratulations to our whole workforce for this outstanding achievement!

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AYAS Group’s Recruit Five New Apprentices https://ayasgroup.com/studleys-recruit-five-new-apprentices/ https://ayasgroup.com/studleys-recruit-five-new-apprentices/#respond Wed, 15 Mar 2023 14:45:13 +0000 https://ayasgroup.com/?p=51416 Our commitment to training the future generation of the industrial engineering industry has been proven with our latest Apprentice recruitment drive. We have enrolled five future Tradesmen into our renowned Apprenticeship Programme this year, four Apprentice Electricians and one Apprentice Pipefitter Welder. Given the difficult labour market regarding the shortage of skilled labour, we believe […]

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Our commitment to training the future generation of the industrial engineering industry has been proven with our latest Apprentice recruitment drive.

We have enrolled five future Tradesmen into our renowned Apprenticeship Programme this year, four Apprentice Electricians and one Apprentice Pipefitter Welder.

Given the difficult labour market regarding the shortage of skilled labour, we believe that its more important than ever to invest in Apprenticeships to train and develop local young talent.

Michael Reynolds, Jamie Healey, Callan Hayes and Sean Rogers, pictured above with Directors Gary Swift and Neil Corrigan have begun their on site training with AYAS Group Electrical. Working closely with our qualified Approved Electricians on our clients site, they will be learning first hand, practical and invaluable skills to assist them in their academic studies at St Helen’s College.

Mechanical Apprentice, Charlie Jones is currently gaining his practical knowledge working alongside our tradesmen within our workshop in Knowsley. Charlie attends The Engineering College in Birkenhead on a weekly basis, working towards his NVQ Level 3. He will progress to our client sites in the next year.

The AYAS Group Apprenticeship Programme is the heart of our business, it lays paramount to our core values and is instrumental in the growth of the company. Many of our past and present senior leaders began their careers as Apprentices, some of whom started as a AYAS Group Apprentice themselves.

The Advanced Apprenticeships scheme is open to GCSE qualified candidates 16+ and starts with studying for an NVQ3 in their chosen trade, a Technical Certificate, as well as training in key skills such as pipe fitting, welding and mechanical fitting, will then further and fulfil their chosen roles.

The Electrical Apprenticeship Scheme is open to GCSE qualified candidates 18+ and starts with a mixture of practical learning on industrial sites and block release to college.

We will begin our search for the 2023 intake towards Summer.

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AYAS Group’s awarded Engineering Firm of the Year 2022 and Health & Safety Award 2022 at Chemicals Northwest Awards! https://ayasgroup.com/studleys-awarded-engineering-firm-of-the-year-2022-and-health-safety-award-2022-at-chemicals-northwest-awards/ https://ayasgroup.com/studleys-awarded-engineering-firm-of-the-year-2022-and-health-safety-award-2022-at-chemicals-northwest-awards/#respond Wed, 08 Mar 2023 22:02:25 +0000 https://ayasgroup.com/?p=51409 We’re proud to announce our success at Chemicals Northwest Industry awards that took place on Thursday night at Old Trafford Cricket Ground. Winning Engineering Firm of the Year for the third time is the ultimate accolade for excellence in the supply of engineering products and services to this great industry. We are extremely grateful to […]

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We’re proud to announce our success at Chemicals Northwest Industry awards that took place on Thursday night at Old Trafford Cricket Ground.

Winning Engineering Firm of the Year for the third time is the ultimate accolade for excellence in the supply of engineering products and services to this great industry. We are extremely grateful to our workforce for their consistent hard work and our clients who have trusted us to carry out their projects, especially in the last two years during the pandemic.

We could not be prouder of our teams on the ground who are ultimately responsible for us taking home the Health and Safety Award. This award recognises exemplary practices or services that have made a chemicals operation safer or healthier. Our excellent team performance, delivering high profile, quality projects in the most testing of times, whilst simultaneously reducing accidents/incidents by nearly 50%, working 1130 days without a reportable incident deserves this recognition.

Well done everyone and thank you to each and every employee, customer, supplier and supporter of AYAS Group. We couldn’t do this without you!

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Supporting Knowsley Food Bank’s Big Help Project https://ayasgroup.com/supporting-knowsley-food-banks-big-help-project/ https://ayasgroup.com/supporting-knowsley-food-banks-big-help-project/#respond Tue, 08 Dec 2020 21:09:00 +0000 https://ayasgroup.com/?p=51349 With the help of our employees we have continued our support for Knowsley Food Bank’s Big Help Project throughout the pandemic. There are so many people struggling right now so we’re glad that we can help in a small way to ease the struggle! Thank you to all our employees who have donated and continue […]

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With the help of our employees we have continued our support for Knowsley Food Bank’s Big Help Project throughout the pandemic. There are so many people struggling right now so we’re glad that we can help in a small way to ease the struggle! Thank you to all our employees who have donated and continue to donate to our food fund 💙💚

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Charity Golf Day https://ayasgroup.com/charity-golf-day/ https://ayasgroup.com/charity-golf-day/#respond Tue, 08 Dec 2020 21:05:50 +0000 https://ayasgroup.com/?p=51346 We held a Charity Golf Day on Friday 11th September 2020 at Wallasey Golf Club. Thank you to Wallasey GC for an excellent day, for looking after everyone and ensuring we were all safe and enjoying the challenging golf course. AYAS Group had chosen a charity, Claire House Children’s Hospice that help seriously and terminally ill […]

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We held a Charity Golf Day on Friday 11th September 2020 at Wallasey Golf Club. Thank you to Wallasey GC for an excellent day, for looking after everyone and ensuring we were all safe and enjoying the challenging golf course.

AYAS Group had chosen a charity, Claire House Children’s Hospice that help seriously and terminally ill children live life to the full by creating wonderful experiences and bringing back a sense of normaliy to family life. By providing specialist nursing care and emotional support that help families smile again when life could not get any tougher.

All teams donated money and that was matched by AYAS Group giving a donation of £1000.00. Thank you to all our guests and friends for their support, we have presented the cheque to Mr. Dan Hallidate

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AYAS Group Secure Carbon Capture Project On Tata Winnington Site https://ayasgroup.com/studley-secure-carbon-capture-project-on-tata-winnington-site/ https://ayasgroup.com/studley-secure-carbon-capture-project-on-tata-winnington-site/#respond Tue, 08 Dec 2020 20:54:39 +0000 https://ayasgroup.com/?p=51340 AYAS Group have been successful in winning Britain’s Largest Carbon Capture & Utilization Project at Tata Chemicals Europe (Winnington).     AYAS Group will be Principal Contractor taking on the responsibilities from the Civil & Structural contractor (Hawkins Construction). AYAS Group will provide Mechanical, Electrical and Instruement support to deliver the Capture plant designed by Union Engineering that […]

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AYAS Group have been successful in winning Britain’s Largest Carbon Capture & Utilization Project at Tata Chemicals Europe (Winnington).



AYAS Group will be Principal Contractor taking on the responsibilities from the Civil & Structural contractor (Hawkins Construction). AYAS Group will provide Mechanical, Electrical and Instruement support to deliver the Capture plant designed by Union Engineering that is based on the most well proven absorption technology currently available on the market.

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